Haley & George

2021 was a rough start for me as I dealt with the loss of two of my senior family dogs, Haley and George. I drew them often and after their deaths, I lost most of my motivation to draw in my free time. My full-time job is a lot of digital illustration work so I started turning to traditional crafts again as an escape. I sculpted this simple little vase out of clay for a small altar piece to remember my two lost loves.


Peachtober 2021

I decided to do #peachtober this year (instead of the usual Inktober) with my dog Beau as my main theme. Beau is new to the household and I wasn’t quite used to drawing him like I was with George and Haley and thought this challenge would be a good practice for me. I didn’t complete all the prompts but I did most!


Home Series

I had recently moved to a new apartment and created these illustrations for fun to decorate my walls.

© 2022 Clarissa Tong. All rights reserved.
Artwork on this website may not be copied, distributed, reproduced or otherwise used without express written permission.